Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New year

Happy New year to everyone!

Here's to the start of another year, a new beginning, a fresh start. Many of us use the new year as an opportunity to work on ourselves, improve something, achieve something, set a new goal\s. Everybody out there has their new years specials, discounts, and sales. Every company seems to have their new year, new you resolution programs, detox, healthy eating, healthy living protocol. Every gym is flooded with new years resolutioners eager to use this time as motivation to change.

It is all great, and wonderful. I am all for anyone trying to improve themselves in any way, at any time. Even those that don't have the motivation to get started right after the new year. February, for example is a perfectly fine time to get started living healthier. Any time is better than never at all.

And to those that get started but fall off the wagon, any time is great to get back on. Don't beat yourself up about it.

I am all about the new years resolutions. I myself use this time to set new goals (to write in this blog more often, save for a house, improve my career for example).  I want everyone to remember that the new year is not the be all end all for self improvement, however. Any time can be used as a new beginning. The start of a new month, the start of a new day, or the start\end of a significant event or situation in your life.

Just remember that consistency is vital. Going too hard and burning out is not ideal, but steady consistent growth is the key. Remember also to be as specific as possible with your goals, which will make them that much more achievable. Remember the acronym S.M.A.R.T goals. Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

Good luck to everyone on achieving their best self in 2020.

Thanks for reading.

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