Sunday, April 26, 2020

How many different kinds of pushups can i come up with?

Hey guys, here's a quick video of me demonstrating how many different types of pushups i can do, and how to perform them.

This is just an example of how many different things you can do using your own body weight. Even though the gyms are closed keep moving and keep working.


Heres the vid:

Vegetarian experience update final week

Hey everybody. I am in the final week of my 30 day vegetarian experiment. Today is sunday, and Tuesday will be my final day 30. I will provide more reflections after I am done, but for now just wanted a quick update on how its going and a couple meals I have been eating.

I weighed myself this morning, and actually gained a few pounds. This could be attributed to the fact that I am not as active and burning as many calories as when I am going to the gym. I am still working out of course, nearly every day.  I also continue to eat a lot as I have been for a long time now. That includes 5-6 meals a day. I have been trying to gain muscle weight for a long time and find it very difficult. Eating vegetarian has meant eating alot of beans, which are very filling due to their heavy fiber content. This does have a tendency to increase the possibility of abdominal discomfort, which I experienced a little of. I also have been eating a lot of healthy fats, which are higher in calories than their carb and protein counterparts. This includes walnuts, almods, eggs, olive oil, avocado, natural peanut butter, ect.

Physically I have felt pretty good. Not all that different than I did before. I ate pretty healthy before anyway, so this doesn't surprise me that much. It's not like I am cutting out junk, processed foods or something, which I never eat alot of anyway.  Mentally I have been feeling a little down , but I don't  think that is due to my diet. That is more due to this corona virus thing, and other factors.

Now for some foods I have been eating this week:

Mini eggplant pizzas. These were really good. Used non-dairy cheese.

White bean chili. This made alot, and i ate it several times this week. It was pretty good, but gave me gas. I did eat a lot of it though.

Lentil loaf. I really liked this one. Had a vegan bbq sauce on top. Only complaint was the thyme, which felt like little sprigs of hard grass.

Tofu scramble. Finally figured out how to use tofu. Turned out decent. A good egg replacement. Actually tasted like egg. I put peppers, onion, turmeric, black pepper, and fried in vegetable stock.

Thats it for this week. As always thanks for checking me out. Its much appreciated, and i will check back when this thing is all done. Take care and stay healthy.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Check out my video on how and why you should foam roll.

We all get sore and achy muscles from time to time. Well one way to combat this is through the use of foam rolling. Check out my video below for some tips on how best to utilize this recovery tool.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Vegetarian experience week 3

  I've completed week three of my vegetarian experience.  I am proud to say I have had no meat in those three weeks.  I honestly have not had that difficult of a time with it.  The hardest part is going out.  The choices are much more limited obviously. There are still many options, however. It actually allows me to try some things that I wouldn't ordinarily try. For example, we went out to cheesecake factory and I got the fish tacos.   I've never had those before, and it was quite good.
  One day I did have a problem. I ran out of pre-made meals and was searching for a dinner quick.  I decided to throw some things together from the fridge. I had some leftover brown rice, tofu, and chipotle peppers in Adobe sauce. I've used the peppers before, and don't remember them being that spicy. I mixed all of that together. After one bite my mouth was burning, and it wouldn't stop. The peppers were about a week old, and I reheated them, which might have been why.  I couldn't eat it. I had to settle with my salad and some yogurt. Needless to say I still need to learn how to cook with tofu, a vegetarian staple.
  The other thing I've learned thus far is that success in eating healthy is all in the preparation. I prepare most of my meals on sunday, and some the night before a day. This allows me to eat healthy all week long. Without preparation I would be scrambling for meal options, and probably choose something less healthy.
  My energy has been good. I've been getting my workouts in as usual and am feeling pretty strong, and my endurance seems better.  Weight wise i haven't noticed much change. Maybe a loss of a pound or two.
  Here are some other meals I ate this week:
  A chick pea fajita bowl, which was really good. Had a lime, rice vinegar, and spices dressing.
Black bean brownies. Turned out really good. Actually pretty sweet due to agave.
Thai brown rice, veggie, and quinoa bowl. The spices made this one.
Homemade black bean with rice veggie burgers and roasted sweet potato fries. This turned out really good. My favorite meal so far. I was full for hours after.
  As always thanks for reading. Stay strong and stay healthy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Vegetarian experience update

Today is day 9 of my vegetarian experience. I am feeling pretty good. I have good amounts of energy, and am not feeling starving or anything. I am happy to report i have not had a piece of meat throughout this whole experience thus far.
  I have noticed after i eat a meal i don't have that foggy, bloated kind of feeling where you just want to go take a nap, and feel all sorts of indigestion. Thats a good thing.
  My workout energy is good. My mental energy is iffy, but with all that's going on thats to be expected.
  I did a good amount of cooking on sunday, and noticed that a good amount of spices are used in vegetarian/vegan cooking.  I believe all of the meals that i made are vegan as well, although i am not currently practicing vegan.
Here are a couple.  Stuffed peppers with quinoa, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, black beans, spices, ect.  Shown here cut up.
Another was an indian "dahl" over brown rice.

And some protein powder brownies.

Finally, an enchilada casserole
with quinoa and brown rice.
  Everything turned out pretty good. I enjoyed them all. Tasty while still being healthy.
  As always thanks for reading.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

My vegetarian experience: day 6

  I haven't written all week since day one, so I wanted to give you some observations that I have had on days 2-6.
  I have been eating alot of the same foods that I usually do, so from that perspective it hasn't been too hard.  I've been having my usually eggs, egg whites, and pepper/onion mixture with either avocado toast or oats with chia seeds, peanut butter, and honey.  I have actually not been eating a full meal in between breakfast and lunch as I have read that 3-4 hours is best for your muscles to take full advantage of the first meal as far as muscle protein synthesis goes. I've been having a BCAA shake with pumpkin seeds, almonds, and a banana. That has been working pretty well. I don't feel too hungry before lunch.  Other foods I have been eating are my usual brown rice, black beans, spinach, spicy kimchi, and salsa mixture. The next meal gets a little dicey, because it is usually my pre-workout meal, so I need something to give me good energy. I had tuna with white potatoes and broccoli one day. I had some plant based deli slices on multigrain bread one day with some peppers and hummus. One day I didn't workout, some I had sweet potatoes, broccoli, and a BCAA shake. I have my usual post workout shake and some quick carbs such as gummy bears or gatorade. Then I have dinner. I had the broccoli cauliflower Alfredo a couple days, and a sweet potato three bean chili one day that turned out more like a stew, but it was good. I had some gluten free multigrain bread with that.  I always have salad with dinner also. I finish off with berries and cottage cheese before bed, or a casein protein shake.

  Overall I have been feeling pretty good. Energy wise I have felt fine or about the same as I did before this experiment. I have been struggling a little bit mentally and with motivation, but I think that is mainly due to this whole corona virus thing.  It is harder to get motivated when doing home workouts all the time. I did a strength training workout the other day with some heavy weights and it felt good. I didn't notice any drop in strength.
  It can be hard eating healthy foods all the time as far as taste goes.  For example, one day I tried a buffalo tofu with brown rice, peppers, and celery. It was ok, but not great. I need to learn different ways to eat tofu.  I had salmon one night also. There are many meatless options though.  Finding protein options is not hard either, which is a major misconception of vegetarians.
  I am down about a pound, but that little fluctuation isn't necessarily due to this experiment.  I am not trying to lose weight afterall.  I did notice myself feeling a little hungrier than usual, especially during my workouts. This is probably due to the lack of animal protein, which can leave you feeling fuller. Eating vegetarian is mostly carbohydrates. My fat content is probably down also having no red meat.  I might try having a pre-workout protein shake to combat this.
  A potential negative effect that I have noticed is going to the bathroom A lot (meaning #2).  This could be due to the increase in fiber and eating so many vegetables. It is something I am going to have to keep an eye on.
  Overall, being vegetarian hasn't been all that hard. Being vegan on the other hand seems incredibly difficult. I might try a day here and there, but doing it more than that is very difficult.
  Thanks for reading and I'll keep you up to date on every going on with this experience.